Chemical Peels

Chemical Peel is a treatment technique used to treat skin (most commonly facial skin) to smoothen the skin and improve the skin texture by application of mild chemical solutions (weak acids). These solutions causes the outermost layer of the skin to peel off leading to a resurfacing effect which improves the quality of the skin making the new skin looks younger and smoother. 

Different chemical solutions(weak acids) in different concentrations are used as peeling agents. Commonly used peeling agents are –

  1. Alpha Hydroxy acids (AHAs)
    1. Glycolic acid
    2. Lactic acid
    3. Mandelic acid etc
  2. Beta Hydroxy acid peels
    1. Salicylic acid
  3. Jesner’s Solution – contains – 14% each of Salicyclic acid, Lactic acid, resorcinol in an ethanol base
  4. Retinoic acid peels
  5. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) Peels
  6. Phenols


Common conditions used to treat with chemical peels –

  1. Photoaging effects of the skin (Solar lentigines)
  2. Pigmentary changes of the skin (Melasma)
  3. Skin wrinkles (Rhytides)
  4. Rough skin texture
  5. Seborrheic Keratosis
  6. Actinic Keratoses

What we offer at our clinic –

We offer all types of commonly used peels in our clinic with special attention to before and after-treatment protocols after the peeling.

Peeling can be a walk-in lunch time procedure, where by you can go back to work after peeling, this is when very mild peels are used.

Most however, need planning with pre-peeling skin care regimen for 2-4 weeks prior to peeling which readies the skin on the day of the peeling so as to have maximum effect of peeling procedure. This is followed by after-treatment protocol.

We examine the patient and advise which peeling agents would be best suited for you.


P.S: We strongly advise against use of self-peeling methods based on available social media platforms as these procedure are best done under clinical/medical supervision to avoid complications which if severe can cause more harm than good. 

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